As much as 80% of forelimb lameness is due to problems involving a horse's foot. The team at Sunshine Coast Farrier Services can often diagnose and correct such a condition. As our farriers have a knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the horse's lower limbs, we can help develop a tailored plan of therapeutic farriery specific to the condition and the individual horse.
We can also be proactive in preventing hoof and limb problems developing by ensuring hooves are balanced, shoes are right for the horse's work, and any signs of trauma or infection in the lower limbs and feet are noted.
Should a horse be injured or require extra attention, we also provide emergency stabling at our Landsborough facility.
With a shared dedication to doing what is best for the horse, many farriers and veterinarians work together to identify the cause of lameness and apply the most appropriate corrective farriery. They understand how hooves grow, heal and respond to exercise, what a healthy hoof should look like for the various ages, breeds and uses of horses, as well as the hoof's structure, function and how disease and injury processes affect them.
We practice therapeutic shoeing and Sunshine Coast Farrier Services owner, Andy Tighe, has undertaken additional training in corrective farriery and testing. Some farriers go on to study veterinary science and some veterinarians also train as farriers, gaining experience beyond what is provided in vet school.
A team approach ensures each horse or pony receives individual treatment tailored to their conformation and shoeing requirements.
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